Epoch Times Agrees: Free papers are doing very well, thank you very much

Oct 29, 2014 at 09:02 am by staff

I sometimes write a column twice, for different audiences. This version of my column on Robert Kaiser's essay includes statistics from free newspapers across North America.

Kelli Bultena, publisher of Tea (SD) Weekly, sent me a link to a column titled, “The Bad News About the News,” in the October 16, 2014 edition of The Brookings Essay. The essay was written by Robert G. Kaiser, former editor of The Washington Post.

Hank Bond, co-publisher of The Greenup Beacon (Russell KY), wrote last week to ask me a pointed question, “You keep writing about people saying that newspapers are dying. I don’t hear it. Who are they?”

Well, Hank, here’s another one to add to the list of about a dozen or so I sent you last week and those were off the top of my head. As Hank would probably attest, he finally said, “Enough,” after I’d rattled off the list in just a few seconds. Mr. Kaiser wrote several things in his essay that caught my attention, but this sentence stood out: “One immediate effect of all these changes and cutbacks is that there’s no paper in America today that can offer the same coverage of its city, suburbs, and state that it provided 20 or even 10 years ago, and scores of city halls and state legislatures get virtually no coverage by any substantive news organizations.”

I contacted Jan Jekielek at Epoch Times, New York, just now and asked if that was true of his paper. “Increasing local coverage has been the key growth engine for our free publication Epoch Weekend, fuelling our success in the challenging New York City market. Across both news and features sections, we’ve more than doubled our local pages over the last five years, much to the delight of both our readers and advertisers.”

I feel quite certain I could have called a hundred other publishers and gotten similar quotes, but I’m guessing you get the point. Which leads me to my next question: Why would Mr. Kaiser write this essay in the first place?

If you’ve been reading my columns for very long, you know I don’t take much at face value. I like to dig a little. Because, as a good journalist learns over time, it’s in the digging that the truth comes out. And if you go all the way to the end of the column, which is quite lengthy in its attempt to add another scoop of dirt on print journalism’s grave, you pick up this kernel which goes a long way toward answering my question. I’ll quote it, so I don’t get it wrong: “He is the author or co-author of eight books, including The News About The News, American Journalism in Peril, written with Leonard Downie Jr.”

Remember what I wrote in a column last year about believing experts? It went something like this: “I don’t care if you’re watching a politician on TV, listening to your Sunday School teacher, or in the audience, listening to an expert speak at a newspaper convention, I want you to ask yourself this question: ‘What will this expert gain if I believe what he or she is saying?’”

Perhaps Mr. Kaiser will sell a few more books.

If I might borrow a musical term, that seems a natural segue to my next topic: the survey of 612 publishers completed in October 2014. In my last column, I shared interesting information concerning the use of social media in newspapers and the effect social media has on newspapers’ bottom lines.

Today I’d like to see what publishers have to say about Mr. Kaiser’s topic. Specifically, I’d like to know if there is “no paper in America today” that can offer the same coverage that it did 10 years ago.

Question 15 in the survey of North American publishers asked: “What changes have you made in recent years to keep your product(s) viable?”

Boy howdy, did we get answers. How about this response: Among free paper publishers, 57 percent of respondents answered that there is more emphasis on hyperlocal/local news than a few years ago.

Hmmm. But Mr. Kaiser wrote, “no paper in America today...” I’m sorry. I’m digressing.

A whopping 62 percent of free papers report that they’ve invested in increased quality in production and design, 53 percent have invested in improved photography and 43 percent report they have invested in printing improvements.

Finally, drum roll please, 26 percent of free newspapers reported that they have increased the size of their staff.

Hmmm. Yes, but.

One could argue that these are free papers. Obviously, Mr. Kaiser was writing about paid daily papers, though he never mentioned that in his column. Well, maybe. Maybe not. Thanks to technology, I can divide the survey responses by newspaper type. Guess what? 11 percent of paid daily newspapers reported that they’ve increased their staff size over the past few years.

People really should be more careful when they make broad pronouncements like that. It’s like the time the dean of that world-renowned journalism school told me he believed there would not be one newspaper in business in the United States by 2018. In all fairness, he still has a little over three years to prove me wrong about that one.

So there you have it: according to a survey of 612 (we quit accepting responses at 612) newspaper publishers, there seems to be at least one newspaper that isn’t fitting into Mr. Kaiser’s scenario.

And, just so you know, that survey is not for sale.

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